Jukka Salmi --> amanda-users (2005-06-03 13:14:09 +0200):
> Hi,
> on a Amanda 2.4.4p4 system which ran fine for some months I noticed today
> amverify was still running after about 5 hours; normally it only takes some
> minutes to complete. I killed the process, and then received the so far
> missing verify report (which was about 3MB...). For some reasons a certain
> file system was checked over and over again:
> Tapes:  DAILY02 
> Errors found:
> aborted! 
> amverify Daily
> Fri Jun  3 03:50:13 CEST 2005
> Loading current slot...
> Using device file:/var/amanda/vtapes/Daily
> Volume DAILY02, Date 20050603
> Checked host1._pkgbuild_etc.20050603.1
> Checked host2._.20050603.1 
> Checked host1._pkgbuild_home.20050603.0
> Checked host2._usr.20050603.1
> Checked host1._src.20050603.1
> Checked host2._var.20050603.1
> Checked host2._etc.20050603.0
> Checked host1._.20050603.1
> Checked host1._etc.20050603.0
> Checked host1._var_spool_imap.20050603.1
> Checked host2._home.20050603.0
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> [ ... about 70000 identical lines skipped ... ]
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> Checked host1._opt.20050603.1
> aborted!
> This is 100% reproducible. Unfortunately I can't find the source of the
> problem. Hints are welcome!

After adding some lines to the amverify script I was able to see the
following error message in amrestore.out:

        amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
        amrestore:   0: restoring host1._opt.20050603.1
        gzip: truncated input
        Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 10485760+32768, wrote 0
        amrestore: pipe reader has quit in middle of file.

The dump file in question is not gzipped, so I would have expected a
message like

        gzip: input not gziped (MAGIC0)

which I can see is printed for other dump files before amverify starts to
loop endlessly at this point.

Any hints what could cause this problem?

TIA, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~

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