From time to time, we run "yum update" (On centos) or up2date (On
redHat) to keep our servers patched.

Reading the amanda docs, I realize that there could be problem with
gnu tar if we back up with one version and restore with another...

I know it's not really an amanda question but this may be something
one of you Linux admins might have encountered.

Is there a way to prevent "up2date" or "yum update" to update certain
packages ? Like gnu tar ?

You can edit the file /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date, to let up2date skip the gnutar package.


Yu Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chemistry Building, Rm 182
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

phone:  (410)455-6347 (primary)
        (410)455-2718 (secondary)
fax:    (410)455-1174

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