Jon LaBadie wrote:

>>"maxdumps" limits the number of dumper processes per DLE, while
>>"inparallel" limits the overall number of dumper processes running in
> Is that dumper procs per DLE?  Or per host?
> Seems to me that any DLE should only have one dumper assigned.

dumper-procs per client, yes.

> I also wonder about the section of amanda(1) that says:
>     Note that this parameter may also be set in a  specific
>     dumptype  (see below).  This value sets the default for
>     all dumptypes so must appear in amanda.conf before  any
>     dumptypes are defined.
> As the poster is defining it inside a dumptype (not the first),
> perhaps the default is taking effect rather than his "global"
> definition.

I interpret server-src/config.c in that way that the parameter
"maxdumps" may be used in a "global" way as well as inside a

If used in a global way it has to appear before the dumptypes, it then
sets the default value for all following dumptypes, except for the ones
with a "local" setting of maxdumps.

I have tested this right now, after a quick look at the code, it works
this way.


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