On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 at 11:41am, Toomas Aas wrote

> Fabricio Luiz Machado wrote:
> > Some of my DDS-4 tapes are bad (I/O error).
> > So... i´m thinking if these tapes are trustworthy... :-/
> > Are there another better solution, that I can trust more than DDS-4 ?
> > Maybe DLT ?

I can second the comments recommending AIT.  I have both AIT-1 and AIT-3 
drives and both have been highly reliable.  I'm looking at upgrading 
capacity (see below), and my vendor also spoke very highly of AIT.

> Many people say DLT is better than DDS, but I personally have had some 
> very bad experiences with DLT *drives*, so I've ditched that technology 
> and never want to touch it again. Using LTO has been nothing but joy 
> these past 2 years.

As long as we're talking drives and media (and I'm in the market), does 
anyone have any experience with S-AIT?  According to my vendor, it has the 
same smart compresser as AIT and a capacity of 500GB/tape (vs. 400GB for 
LTO-3).  LTO-3 looks like it may be the winner on price, but if there's a 
good reason to go S-AIT, I'm not averse to doing so.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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