On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 08:27:44AM -0400, Brian E. Seppanen wrote:
> Has anyone been able to configure the HP Storage Works 1/8 Tape Autoloader 
> for use with amanda as a tape library.   I'm able to access data from 
> individual tapes by manually loading them and accessing them as 
> /dev/rmt/0, but I'm not sure if there is a device id that I can use to 
> access the actual tape library portion.
> I'm running Solaris 9, amanda-2.4.4p3.
> I've reboot -- -ras and rebuilt /etc/path_to_inst, but I don't appear to 
> have any device that references scsi id 2 which is the library itself. 
> Perhaps that is my only problem.

Solaris may put the changer device links in places other than
/dev/rmt.  Check /dev/changer, /dev/scsi/{sequential|unknown}.

Not there?  Check if the id's and lun's are scanned during
boot.  The two files are /kernel/drv/{st|sgen}.conf

In st.conf, by default, the eight low scsi id's are scanned
but only for lun 0.  On my unit, the library is lun 1 of the
same scsi id as the drive.  So it would not be seen with the
default config.  As I have to edit it anyway, I comment out
the id's that do not contain tape drives (minor boot speed up)
and add lines for lun 1 for the remainder.

If you want to (or need to) have the sgen (scsi generic?) driver
used for the changer you may have to edit the sgen.conf file.

I forget what Solaris doc I got this from, but here is the
relevant section from my sgen.conf file.

  # Added by jhl

  inquiry-config-list=    "HP",   "HP DDS-3 4mm DAT loader",
                          "HP",   "C1557A";

  name="sgen" class="scsi" target=5 lun=0;
  name="sgen" class="scsi" target=5 lun=1;

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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