On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 01:26:49PM -0700, Kevin Dalley enlightened us:
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Setting record to no seems like a good idea.
> However, dumpcycle set to 0 doesn't work for me.  amdump tries to run
> a full backup each day.  I only use 1 or 2 tapes per amdump, and I
> need 6-10 tapes for a complete archival backup.  So I need a few days
> to complete an archival backup.  Setting dumpcycle to 0 seems force
> the full backups to start all over again each day, which means that
> DLEs are repeated.

Do you not have enough holding disk space to hold the entire dump set? You
didn't say how big your tapes were, or how much data was getting dumped. If
you have enough holding space, you can run the amdump, let it spool to
holding disk, then just amflush until you've got everything to tape.

The other option is that amdump can take hostnames as options, so you could
run the job with a select number of hosts over a few day period. 


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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