Hi Shaun!

If you think your harddisk is the problem, you should check it.

Did you make an fsck (file system check) or similar
(depending on the filesystem and os you are using) ?

Did you find any errors in yor system log ?
(harddisk read or write errors, controller errrors etc.)

Furthermore you could make a NON-destructive hard disk test.
How to do this also depends on your os capabilities - I dont remember
your initial mail - did you write which os and filesystem you
are using ?

Bye, Peter

Shaun Feeley wrote:

Hi Peter,

I have started getting the out of tape error on a fairly large (~90GB)
and important partition.  After reading this thread and doing some
testing I do think there is actually something wrong with the partition.
I need to get this backing up again.  I am wondering if you have any
ideas as to what i could do to pin point what is wrong?

Thanks for your help Shaun

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 11:22 +0200, Peter Mueller wrote:
Hi Mike!

Does anyone now why Amanda might generate an out of tape error in a
situation where it blatantly isn't anywhere even close to the end of the

As I understand it, Amanda interpretes any non-ok result from the tape device
as "out of tape" - as most backup and tape handling software does.

Bye, Peter


Peter Mueller

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