
The -overlooked- hyphen of dd was the culprit. 
I now get the desired response from the drive.

Gerrit Hommersom

Hommersom, Gerrit (G) wrote:
> For emergency testing I want to read the amanda files with standard 
> Unix/Linux tools
> W Curtiss preson's book suggests that amanda tapes can be read with 
> the command dd -if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1

Note that dd does not take options with a hyphen, at not on any OS that I have 
access to.

> Attempting to move it to the next file with
> mt /dev/nst0 fsf 1
> dd -if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1
> persistingly returned the amanda header, nothinbg else

Which amanda header? There are two kinds: an amanda tapeheader and one 
amandaheader for each archivefile on tape.

> This returns indeed the Amanda header but not the backup software used 
> (tar in my case)

Show us the header...

> Forcing a  listing with dd -if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k skip=x | tar -t - 
> returned either not output or the message "not a tar file"

Was it compressed archive? If yes then you also need the "-z" flag. Also you 
need to skip exactly 1 block (the amanda archive header), not "x" blocks. Also 
reading from stdin is accomplished by the "-f -" combination. Without the "-f" 
tar takes the argument as the file to extract from the archive. (The 
amandaheader in each archive even contains the commandline!)

That said, it probably boils down to:

   mt -t /dev/st0 rewind
   mt -t /dev/nst0 fsf 1
   dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1

This gives the amanda archive header of the first archive.  Take a look at the 
commandline that amanda suggests for you.

   mt -t /dev/st0 rewind
   mt -t /dev/nst0 fsf 1
   dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k skip=1 | gtar -ztvf -

now you get a listing (omit the -z flag if the archive was not compressed).

Paul Bijnens, Xplanation                            Tel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM    Fax  +32 16 397.512          email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl-Alt-Del, AltGr-NumLock, Stop-A, ... *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out          *

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