Graeme Humphries wrote:

Here's what amstatus says about it:

server:/dir/problemshare/    0   600000k dumping       32k (  0.01%)

The estimated size is out to lunch, because it's never actually finished
backing up from this location before. Also, this was copied at 16:27:53
my time, so it's just been sitting there for 20 minutes doing nothing.

This share is also set to "estimate server"?
Was this behavior the same before, with the older AMANDA-release?

On the client server, I can see the following in the process listing:

31183 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup
31185 ?        S      0:00  \_ /usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup
31187 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ sh -c /bin/tar -tf - 2>/dev/null |
sed -e 's/^\.//'
31188 ?        S      0:00  |       \_ /bin/tar -tf -
31189 ?        S      0:00  |       \_ sed -e s/^\.//
31186 ?        D      2:48  \_ gtar --create --file -
--directory /dir/problemshare/ --one-fil

It looks the same as the other dump jobs that are happening
simultaneously (and working!).

The same thing happened in my test from last night, and in the summary I
got mailed, it said this:

/-- librarian  /projfiles/rndprojfiles/ lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
sendbackup: start [server:/dir/problemshare/ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info end

Does anyone have any ideas what's causing it to die right at the start
of the job? The client is a RH9 (Fedora Legacy) box, with tar version
1.13.25, which I read as being supported.

Any ideas on how I can further debug this would be *greatly*
appreciated, as it's the last thing I need to sort out before making
this system live.

I'd try to increase the values for dtimeout (and maybe etimeout) for a start ...

You should also be able to dig up more infos from your logfiles (lookup the parameter logdir in your conf, it leads you there ...).


Stefan G. Weichinger
AMANDA core team member
oops! linux consulting & implementation

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