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On Wednesday, 17.08.2005 at 09:13 -0400, Mangala Gunadasa wrote:

> We have been using amanda for many years. Our capacity had grown and
> currently we are backing up 60 file systems across 12 servers. The
> backup takes 9hrs to finish. We have tried to make it more efficient
> by changing the parameters "interface", and "net usage" of the
> amanda.conf and did not succeed( Probably those parameters do not
> matter). We would like to perform Full backup every Day to a SDLT Tape
> drive.  We will be adding 2 IBM P570's and we are concerned about the
> duration of the backup. Can we find how the big sites manage this type
> of situation?. I appreciate any comments on this subject.

To figure out a way to reduce the run time of the backups, you need to
work out whether you are hitting a network bandwidth limit, a hardware
limitation or something else.

Some ideas:

1. Relaxing your condition of a full backup every day would reduce your
backup duration, since each day AMANDA would be doing full backups of
some systems and level 1 backups of others.  If your filesystems are
fairly static, this may make sense.  I obviously don't know your
circumstances, but do you *really* need a full backup of *everything*
every day?  If you have a largely static setup, then insisting on a full
backup only once every two days may reduce your run time from 9 hours
down to 5 or 6 hours.

2. Upgrade your network infrastructure or your AMANDA server.  For
example, if you're running 100megabit, can you switch to gigabit?  Can
you give your AMANDA server a faster holding disk?

3. Get another tape drive and run backups in parallel.  Note however,
that this will not reduce run time if your backup job is

4. Check your compression configuration parameters.  Are dumps being
compressed on the client, or the server, or on the tape drive?  For
example, are slow clients being made to compress stuff themselves?

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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