Are there any tape errors in the system log?

I run into this type of problem when, somehow, the blocksize of the tape drive is changed. Then amanda will run through the whole set of tapes and reject them all while the system log shows "kernel: st0: Incorrect block size." each time a tape is loaded. Forcing the drive back to variable block size (mt -f /dev/st0 setblk 0) then fixes this particular problem.


Lars Sørensen wrote:
Hi all,

I have amanda 2.4.3 running on a RedHat 9 an old setup I know and it
has been running for three years almost without problems :-)

But last saturdays backup never finished but aprox. 12 hours after the
job started I received the following mail:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /backup: 154964584 KB disk space available, using 154933864 KB
WARNING: skipping tape test because amdump or amflush seem to be running
WARNING: if they are not, you must run amcleanup
Server check took 0.001 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 1.117 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3)
I tried to run amcleanup but it wouldn't run since amanda was still
running, then I rebooted the machine and ran amcleanup when it came
back online, after that I'm experiencing a weird error:

*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [label BackUp06 or new tape not found in
rack]. Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk. Run amflush
again to flush them to tape. The next tape Amanda expects to use is:

so nothing gets backed up :-(
And the weird thing is that the tape mentioned is in fact in the rack
and in the right place. I've tried starting with tape 5 in the drive
and watched as the tapechanger substituted that tape with tape 6 into
the drive and then producing the exact same error as above ? ? ?

Anyone got any ideas at all as to what is going on?

btw I also tried moving all the tapelist, amdump, amflush and other
log files out of the but that did not help either.

thanks in advance

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