
Hi. I work for HP and unfortunately, it looks like these drives were always considered a field replaceable unit, so even when they were under warranty if you had a problem, we'd just swap out a new enclosure for you. That means there's not much in the way of internal diagnostic/troubleshooting material around on these things because the CE's never did anything but swap 'em. Oh the joys of disposable hardware...

I'll try to find someone who knows a little bit about these units and post any suggestions I get to the list, but no promises. I don't know much about them myself because I'm more of a software guy than hardware.

Mike C

From: Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jon LaBadie <>
Subject: tape drive repair question
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 03:14:04 -0400

Not strictly amanda related, but I can't
use my amanda setup until it is resolved.

I've got an HP DDS3 autoloader (SureStore 6x24) and
need to have it serviced or do something myself.

The drive uses a plastic magazine to hold 6 tape
cartridges, 3 each in the front and rear.  During
normal operation the magazine must be rotated 180
degrees to reach the tapes at the other end.  This
movement is what is failing.

The rotation begins and seems to stick about 1/3
of the way around.  If I operate the drive without
a cover, I can manually assist the operation and
it completes.  If it was only a mechanical device
I'd try spraying some lubricant.  But that is
probably not a good idea inside a tape drive ;)

What can be seen with the cover off looks remarkably
clean.  None of the dust and fuzz seen blown around
inside a computer.  Maybe if it was disassembled
further I'd find something to clean.

I tried calling HP Support and eventually got someone
'knowledgeable'.  Seems their "out of warranty repair
policy" is to swap you a discounted, refurbished unit
for about 1/2 what I paid for mine on eBay several
years back.

I expected HP's authorized repair/service centers to
be able to do something, but HP does not authorize
them to work on tape units.

Anyone ever resolved a similar problem on one of these
units?  Or have other suggestions?

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