
A few weeks ago I had asked whether Amanda can run primarily on TCP. I am
unsure whether I was able to describe my problem in great detail.

I'll try again..

To make this short, I am trying to backup a few servers outside my
physical network and get an error of Host down when Amcheck is performed.
If I put the servers back on my physical network all is well and
configured properly.

The set up goes like this: The servers are in a Library at a University
Campus. I want to backup servers in another department located outside the
Library's physical network.

There are two routers between the Library (Amanda server site) and the X
department (client amanda sites). There are no firewalls in place in
between the routers, host firewalls, or ACLs on the routers to prevent
communication between the Library and X department.

The routers are Cisco series 6500s, the machines are Dells and Custom
built servers. The connection between the two departments is at 1 gigabit
with very little network utilization ~4 to 5%.

The amanda clients are configured properly. The amanda server is
configured correctly as well and everything works when the machines are on
the same physical network.

The problem is when they are are different networks.

Is there a problem with Amanda crossing physical networks? I know Amanda
uses UDP to create an initial check, but I also know that UDP should cross
networks, unless it's being dropped since the packet size is too small or
has low priority??

Any comments regarding whether you use amanda across physical networks
would be greatly appreciated. Also a sample configuration would be


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