Hello all, 

We have recently decided to add archival (full) dumps configuration (weekly). 
And it is not running as smoothly as we hoped.
Here is the problem. For the full dumps we use 4 tapes (40G) on a run. "Short" 
filesystems are copied over without any problems, problems start with big 
Surprizingly, we found out that only 3 tapes were used, but 2 "big" FS failed 
to go on tape, because there were "no space left". 

Here is the content of the AMANDA's full dump report: 

here is the copy of the report with failed FS:

  taper: tape weekly1 kb 35900256 fm 14 writing file: No space left on device
  taper: retrying zeus: /hmssql.0 on new tape: [writing file: No space left on 
  taper: tape weekly2 kb 35878464 fm 3 writing file: No space left on device
  taper: retrying athena: /F.0 on new tape: [writing file: No space left on 
  taper: tape weekly3 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
The result is that athena and zeus are failed. :( 

The question is if I can specify, may be number of attempts, for example, by 
changing the dumporder (currently "sSsS", also tried "sssS") or taperalgo (was 
"first", and we are going to try "firstfit"). Or, may be it is possible to 
control the order in which FS are stored to tapes more accurate?

Any advice is appreciated.  


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