--On Wednesday, August 31, 2005 15:46:36 -0700 Joe Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 12:41:43AM -0700, Joe Rhett wrote:
>> Some part of the code mistakenly decided to store 53gb to the holding disk,
>> and then tried to flush it to tape, regardless of the fairly basic math
>> involved.
> And well, tonight, it does it again.
>   Label       Time      Size      %    Nb
>   svk17       0:00       0.0    0.0     0
>   svk18       0:00       0.0    0.0     0
>   svk19       1:32   15181.6   45.1    42
>   svk20       0:00       0.0    0.0     0
> Yeah, I didn't need those tapes for anything else.  Let's just waste 12
> hours and 3 tapes doing absolutely NOTHING.

I'm still curious how a 53gb dump was even done if your tapelength was
set to 30ish GB.  Was your tapelenght set to something longer at the
time the dump was originally done?

In the meantime, to quit burning tapes, set autoflush off (or is it false?)
to let the old dump stay on disk while continuing your current backups
and researching the problem.  Or are you saying it did a new 53gb dump?

Yes, I agree that Amanda shouldn't mark a tape as used if nothing was
successfully written to it. You could edit your tapelist to 'unuse' a
tape, just be aware you can screw things up if you get it wrong.


> -- 
> Joe Rhett
> senior geek
> meer.net

Frank Smith                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Systems Administrator                       Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                   Fax: 512-374-4501

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