It happened again. This time the timeout was on localhost! There is no
firewall involved, both in this case as well as in the last (mail from
July 12th).

  omni       //new/E$ lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from omni]
  omni       //new/C$ lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from omni]
  omni       /var/spool/imap/user/uz lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from omni]
  omni       /var/spool/imap/user/nt lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from omni]

The timeout setting at amanda.conf is 300 (the default, I
believe). There is comment stating that:
# a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
# each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
# The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.

Let's look at the debug files:

//new/C$ 2 SIZE 874751
//new/E$ 0 SIZE 7786744
//new/E$ 1 SIZE 467994
//new/E$ 2 SIZE 467994

amandad: time 14935.917: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 14935.917: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 14945.917: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 14945.917: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 14955.917: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 14955.917: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 14965.917: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 14965.917: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 14975.917: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 14975.917: waiting for ack: timeout, giving up!
amandad: time 14975.971: pid 1524 finish time Thu Sep  1 07:09:46 2005
sendsize[22886]: estimate time for //new/E$ level 2: 0.422
sendsize[22886]: estimate size for //new/E$ level 2: 467994 KB
sendsize[22886]: time 14925.824: waiting for /usr/bin/smbclient "//new/E$" child
sendsize[22886]: time 14925.824: after /usr/bin/smbclient "//new/E$" wait
sendsize[22886]: time 14925.824: done with amname '//new/E$', dirname 
'//new/E$', spindle -1
sendsize[1525]: time 14925.827: child 22886 terminated normally
sendsize: time 14925.834: pid 1525 finish time Thu Sep  1 07:08:56 2005

What can we gather from this? sendsize finishes 50 seconds before
amandad; the amandad timeouts start 10 seconds before sendize
finishes. What is happening here?




*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
***  Web page:
***   Teaching Assistant and PhD Student at ISR:
***    Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***     Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
*** PGP fingerprint = 0119 AD13 9EEE 264A 3F10  31D3 89B3 C6C4 60C6 4585

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