we are running amanda v.2.4.5, on FC3. These are forced full dumps (dumplevel 0). I do not use negative chuncksize, but I do use negative "usedisk" (when you set how much of a disk must stay un-occupied by disk images). Do you think it may be somehow related?
Also, I double-checked for "reserve" (set to 0) and "holdingdisk" was default (meaning I did not touch it at all before this last run, and now I set it explicitly to "yes"). We also cleared some HDD space, and I'm going to create a second holding disk.
Is there anything you (all) can think of I must do before the next weekly run?
> The strange thing above seems the order of the events.
> When bumping into EOT, I would expect the sequence:
> - First taper bumps into end of tape:
>   taper:  TRY-AGAIN 00-00029 [...No space left on device]
> - then driver says to port-dumper:
>   kill whatever you're doing
>   driver: ABORT 00-00029      !!!! This command is missing above!!!
>   dumper: kill index command

Here is what I found strange:
1) it was taping to the tape 2(weekly2),
2) when received the NODEVICE, adjusted to weekly3, which is a new tape(!), no dumps were done to it so far, and then
3) kill index->FAILED->TRY AGAIN->mismatch.
I would expect the sequesnce to be
1) tape: weekly2, NODEVICE(?), FAILED
2) load tape weekly3
3) TRY AGAIN->whatever...
The same happend for another DLE, when amanda adjusted from weekly1 to weekly2 - that DLE was has failed as well. The saddest part is that the biggest DLE are tend to fail. I really do not want to split this configuration into two, and currently thinking about writing a script which would check if any DLE has failed, adjust the configuration and force the dump on the same day.  I realize this sounds awkward, but I do not see any other solution. Do you?

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