On Wed, the backup should contaon Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's
changes. - level 1, level 2 and level 3
And so on and so forth.
Thus on Saturday, the backup tape should contain all of Monday's,
Tuesday's, Wednesday's ...... and Saturday's changes.

Something akin to using concatanete with tar, where the new changed files
are simply added to the end of the tape.
Don't know if this can be done with amanda.
Not adding on to the end of the tape... but, if you just do level 1 backups every day after the full backup, you'll get the same result. Every day, it will back up everything that's changed since the last full backup. That's also a lot easier to configure in Amanda. ;)


Graeme Humphries ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(306) 955-7075 ext. 485

My views are not the views of my employers.

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