On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 19:35 +0200, Alexander Jolk wrote:
> Shang-Lin Chen wrote:
> >   taper: FATAL shmget: (655440 tapebufs) No space left on device
> >   amflush: ERROR Cannot flush without tape.  Try again.
> That sounds as if taper had not been able to allocate its buffers.  What 
> operating system are you on?  Did you change anything recently in your 
> amanda.conf?  If you are on linux, do you have a pseudo filesystem 
> mounted on /dev/shm?  In that case, what does `df -lh' give you?

Amanda is running on a machine with SunOS, I think Solaris 8. Recently
the only change I've made to amanda.conf was to change the holding disk
to an automounted partition, but I changed it back to the original when
the automount didn't work.

Contents of my amanda.conf file:
# amanda.conf - Amanda configuration file.

includefile "/opt/amanda/config/amanda.conf-common"

org      "DailyScec1"   # your organization name for reports
mailto   "amanda"       # the mailing list for operators at your site
dumpuser "amanda"       # the user to run dumps under

inparallel   12         # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
netusage   3000         # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle  10 days      # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
tapecycle 14 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation
runspercycle 0          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days

bumpsize 10 MB          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumpdays     2          # minimum days at each level
bumpmult     2          # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult

etimeout 300            # seconds per filesystem for estimates
#etimeout -600          # total number of seconds for estimates.
# a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
# each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-
# The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.

# Specify tape device and/or tape changer.  If you don't have a tape
# changer, and you don't want to use more than one tape per run of
# amdump, just comment out the definition of tpchanger.

# Some tape changers require tapedev to be defined; others will use
# their own tape device selection mechanism.  Some use a separate tape
# changer device (changerdev), others will simply ignore this
# parameter.  Some rely on a configuration file (changerfile) to
# obtain more information about tape devices, number of slots, etc;
# others just need to store some data in files, whose names will start
# with changerfile.  For more information about individual tape
# changers, read docs/TAPE.CHANGERS.

# At most one changerfile entry must be defined; select the most
# appropriate one for your configuration.  If you select man-changer,
# keep the first one; if you decide not to use a tape changer, you may
# comment them all out.

runtapes 2              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-multi"   # the tape-changer glue script
#tapedev "/dev/rmt/0bn" # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/opt/amanda/config/DailyScec1/chg-multi.conf"
#changerdev "/dev/null"

tapetype SDX-300-Compress       # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes
labelstr "^DailyScec1.[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes
must match

# Specify holding disks.  These are used as a temporary staging area for
# dumps before they are written to tape and are recommended for most
# The advantages include: tape drive is more likely to operate in
# mode (which reduces tape and drive wear, reduces total dump time);
# dumps can be done in parallel (which can dramatically reduce total
dump time.
# The main disadvantage is that dumps on the holding disk need to be
# (with amflush) to tape after an operating system crash or a tape
# If no holding disks are specified then all dumps will be written
# to tape.  If a dump is too big to fit on the holding disk than it will
# written directly to tape.  If more than one holding disk is specified
# they will all be used round-robin.

holdingdisk hd1 {
    comment "/export/home1 holding disk"
    comment "/home/amanda new holding disk"
    # directory "/export/home1/amanda"  # where the holding disk is
    directory "/backup2/amanda"  # old one is too small
    #directory "/home/amanda" # auto-mounted version of /backup2/amanda 
    use -500 Mb         # how much space can we use on it
                        # a negative value mean:
                        #        use all space except that value
    chunksize 0         # size of chunk if you want big dump to be
                        # dumped on multiple files on holding disks
                        #       -1 dont split
                        #        0 use INT_MAX
                        #    other use this value (200 Mb)

# If amanda cannot find a tape on which to store backups, it will run
# as many backups as it can to the holding disks.  In order to save
# space for unattended backups, by default, amanda will only perform
# incremental backups in this case, i.e., it will reserve 100% of the
# holding disk space for the so-called degraded mode backups.
# However, if you specify a different value for the `reserve'
# parameter, amanda will not degrade backups if they will fit in the
# non-reserved portion of the holding disk.

reserve 0 # percent

# This means save at least 30% of the holding disk space for degraded
# mode backups.  

# Amanda needs a few Mb of diskspace for the log and debug files,
# as well as a database.  This stuff can grow large, so the conf
# isn't usually appropriate.  Some sites use /usr/local/var and
some /usr/adm.
# Create an amanda directory under there.  You need a separate infofile
# logdir for each configuration, so create subdirectories for each conf
# put the files there.  Specify the locations below.

infofile "/var/amanda/curinfo/DailyScec1"       # database filename
logdir   "/var/amanda/adm/DailyScec1"           # log directory
indexdir "/var/amanda/index/DailyScec1"         # index directory

# You may include other amanda configuration files, so you can share
# dumptypes, tapetypes and interface definitions among several
# configurations.
#includefile "/usr/local/amanda.conf.main"

> Alex

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