200 Dump host set to lnxdev.ncci.com.
Trying disk / ...
Trying disk rootfs ...
Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD '/var/log/amanda'
amrecover> quit
200 Good bye.

Any idea what it is complaining about,

Actually, nothing at all. All is fine, amrecover just assumes until you tell it otherwise, that you want to recover files to your current working directory. You seem to have run amrecover from /var/log/amanda, and that directory doesn't seem to be part of your disklist.

You just need to give the host that you want to recover from using `sethost' (unless you wanted lnxdev.ncci.com), and then the disk (DLE) that you are looking for, using `setdisk'. This should be explained in the amrecover manpage.


Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
tel +33-1 42 68 18 28 /  fax +33-1 42 68 18 29

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