Montagni, Giovanni wrote:

I have a configuration that do full backup every day.
Yesterday, amanda say that "dumps way too big must skip incremental dumps".
But the tape is used only by 68%, as i can see from the report.

  Label          Time      Size      %    Nb
  bk01       3:29   70593.6   68.0     6

Why amanda can't do full backup? How can i return to make full backup?
In addiction, the amount of data is less than other days, when tape is used by 88%. That's strange...

Maybe some DLE has considerably increased in size. On previous days, all your DLEs fit on tape and filled it by 88%. Now some DLE has grown, so the total amount of backup would be more than 100% of your tape size. Amanda's planner notices that and doesn't back up some DLE, to make the total backup size less than your tape length. So the total amount backed up is less than usual, because one DLE wasn't backed up at all.

Without seeing more of your Amanda report that's all merely a guess, but I'm pretty sure that's it.

Toomas Aas

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