Jon LaBadie wrote:

Might not be the last file on the tape.  Suppose you collected things
on the holding disk, possibly several days of dumps, before taping.

If the metadata were to hold the DLE -> tape mappings, the dump of
the metadata couldn't begin until after all other DLEs were taped.
Does that raise any issues?

The size of the metadata-DLE should be relatively predictable so this amount of space could be put into calculation from start (also the history should show what size to expect). The metadata-DLE could only be dumped AFTER the regular DLEs are dumped completely and the related indexes are written, so I assume the metadata-DLE simply gets into line as soon as its ready.

To put it on the tape as the last file requires a bit more planning although it shouldn't be that much of a problem. The metadata on my testmachine is about 1.2 MB in size .... ok, other installations will exceed this but I think it should not be much of a problem.


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