On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 08:52:24AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can someone help me out on how to restore
> amanda.conf from tape?  I can't see any way to do it.

Sure it is possible, that is a reason I use amanda.
You can recover without having amanda.

Do you have printed reports showing what DLEs are on
what tapes and which tape files correspond to which DLEs?
I.e. a Table Of Contents?

If not, do you still have log files from which the
command amtoc can generate a TOC?  I don't think amtoc
needs any configuration info, just the log files.

If neither, you may have to manually look to find which
tape, and tape file, contains the dump you need.  This
would be done by starting from the beginning of the
tape and alternating something like:

        mt -f <tape_dev> fsf 1
        dd if=<tape_dev> bs=32k count=1

The information in the first 32k of each tape file (the
file header) should show what DLE, level, date, ...  It
will also show a basic command line needed to extract
the data in the tape file.  Don't take it literally.
But it will show whether you need dump or tar, gzip or
not, ...

I'd recommend extracting into an empty directory.  Confirm
you extracted what you need and copy it to the correct
location.  If you try to extract directly into your config
directory you risk overwriting something you did not intend.

The man page for your dump or tar will show the syntax for
extracting individual files or directories if you don't want
to extract the entire DLE.  When constructing this expression
don't forget amanda backups start from ".".  So if you want
/usr/local/etc/amanda/amanda.conf and your DLE is a dump of
/usr/local, you want to extract "./etc/amanda/amanda.conf".

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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