On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 09:21:52AM -0800, Yan Seiner enlightened us:
> I've set up amanda as best as I know how....
> amcheck reports everything is OK.  Permissions, etc. all seem OK.
> But when I try to run amdump I get:
> FAIL dumper localhost /home/mysql 20051119 0 [/sbin/dump returned 1]
> sendbackup: start [localhost:/home/mysql level 0]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore -f... -
> sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
> sendbackup: info end
> |   DUMP: You can't update the dumpdates file when dumping a
> subdirectory
> |   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
> sendbackup: error [/sbin/dump returned 1]
> INFO taper tape SeinerHome02 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> FINISH driver date 20051119 time 81.367
> Any ideas on where to start?  I don't want to clutter the list with
> long files.... So where do I need to look?  Or what should I provide
> to the list so you can advise? 
> Thanks,
> --Yan

Well, the error is right there:
> sendbackup: info end
> |   DUMP: You can't update the dumpdates file when dumping a
> subdirectory
> |   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
> sendbackup: error [/sbin/dump returned 1]

You are trying to use dump on a directory, not a mount point like it was
designed. If you only want to do a subdirectory, you should use tar, not dump.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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