Hi all,
this error was already extensively reported, but i have to do it again :-)
I installed amanda 2.4.5 on FreeBSD 5.3 to backup the main HD to a second
HD of my machine (so both amanda server and client where installed). 
I created a configuration called kenai and typed:

SHELL: amcheck kenai 
     .  (server check ok)
  Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
  WARNING: kenai.chemie.fu-berlin.de: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?

Relevant parts of my .../kenai/amanda.conf file are:

tpchanger "chg-disk"
tapedev "file:/d1/amanda/bkups/kenai" 
changerfile "/d1/amanda/config/kenai/chg-multi.conf"

define tapetype HARD-DISK {
    length 600 mbytes # there will be many 600MB slots, CDs will be burnd ...

define dumptype tar-to-hd-kenai {
        holdingdisk     no
        index           yes 
        program         "GNUTAR" 
tapetype HARD-DISK
amrecover_changer "chg-multi"

I overchecked the files 
.../config/kenai/disklist (this uses the full qualified hostname), 
/etc/inetd.conf (inetd restarted), 
/etc/services, /etc/amandahosts, ~/.rhosts (from proper user).

My /tmp/amcheck.20051121214741.debug file has:

 amcheck: debug 1 pid 76162 ruid 1003 euid 0: start at Mon Nov 21 21:47:41 2005
 amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
 changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 30 1
 changer_query: changer return was 30 1
 changer_query: searchable = 0
 changer_find: looking for NULL changer is searchable = 0
 changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 file:/d1/amanda/bkups/kenai
 amcheck: pid 76162 finish time Mon Nov 21 21:48:11 2005

As the error is on the client side, i think the changer 
problems shouldnt be important. But are the only error message i have.

Does anyone have any idea where is the problem?

I thank you all in advance.


###  Nader Amadeu                    ###
###  Institut fuer Chemie            ###
###  Freie Universitaet Berlin       ###
###  D - 14195 Berlin / Germany      ###
###  www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/~nader  ###

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