Matt Hyclak wrote:

On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 02:48:14PM +0100, Jehan PROCACCIA enlightened us:
I use amnda to backup several servers, unfortunatly since a few weeks ago, indexes for amrecover don't work anymore. I check the faq-o-matic and I am not in any cases mentioned "index yes" is set, amrecover is call with "-C" , and I use Gnu tar tar-1.14-4 on my fedora core 3 backup systeme ( kernel 2.6.10-1.770_FC3 amanda-server-2.4.4p3-4)

tar 1.14 is not a good version of tar to use. See


OK but this is the version on the backup server, maybe what is important is the version on the client which is saved !?
in that case the problem occurs on a client running
$ rpm -q tar
on the " 1.14.x is not good" as nothing to do with indexes .. no ?

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