On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 11:13:01AM -0700, Richard Pyne wrote:
> On 1 Dec 2005 at 8:16, Richard Pyne wrote:
> > I'll give chg-zd-mtx a try.
> Well, I have chg-zd-mtx working. In the process, I remembered 
> why I had chosen chg-scsi originally. The main reason is that it 
> detectes when a drive is requesting to be cleaned and will 
> initiate a clean cycle when needed rather than by access count.

I've not looked at the code, but if chg-scsi detects it via the
status request it might show up in the "mtx status" output.  If so,
then it would be 'easy' :) to add that capability to chg-zd-mtx.

> It is too bad that neither ch-zd-mtx nore chg-scsi support RAIT 
> as that is the way I would like to eventially go.

Amanda does support a form of it own RAIT.  But I don't think it
is well tested as few people report trying or using it.

> My desire is to set up automated backups that back up everything 
> that was changed on a daily basis and does a complete backup of 
> the production file systems at least once a week. I also want to 
> be able to do system file systems (/etc, /, /usr, etc.) on 
> demand.
> Again, any configuration suggestions will be greatly 

dumpcycle 7
tapecycle "something greater than 14"
runspercycle 5 or 6 or 7

Amdump can be run anytime by hand specifying the hosts and DLEs.
You can also force, with amadmin, a level 0 of any DLEs for the
next amdump run.

A separate config could be setup sharing many of the control files
(disklist, indexes, curinfo, tapelist, changer.conf, ...) but with
record set to no and a dumpcycle of 0 (always level 0).  Then you
could run amdump for that config and leave the standard one alone.
Be careful they don't try to run at the same time.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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