On Friday 30 December 2005 10:13, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
>> Is this on the same machine, or on another client machine?  In the
>> latter case, the connection may have timed out during the failure
>> recovery.
>Client and server are the same machine.
>> What are the dtimeout and etimeouts set for in the amanda.conf? 
>> The defaults there tend to be somewhat shorter than is sometimes
>> needed. This is a moderately fast x86 box, with two clients, itself
>> and my firewall box.  But it needs more than the default 300
>> seconds for some things:
>> --------
>> # grep timeout /usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf
>> etimeout 900         # number of seconds per filesystem for
>> estimates. dtimeout 1800        # number of idle seconds before a
>> dump is aborted. ctimeout 8           # maximum number of seconds
>> that amcheck waits -------
>| [16:11:43]~#  grep timeout /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf
>| etimeout 2000           # number of seconds per filesystem for
>| estimates.  (default 300 s) ctimeout 30             # Maximum
>| amount of time that amcheck will wait for each client host.
>| (default 30 s) dtimeout 3600           # Amount of idle time per
>| disk on a  given client that a dumper running from within amdump
>| will wait before it fails with a data timeout error. (default 1800
>| s) [16:11:51]~#
>Should be OK...
Looks like it should be, Geert.  Back to the logs then.

>      Geert
>Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 --
>In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a
> hacker. But when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer"
> or something like that. -- Linus Torvalds

Cheers, Gene
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