
I've just got amanda installed in Debian stable, using the file driver to a removable USB hard drive. So with this working I have decided to test a full metal restore; in case the server needs to be reinstalled at any point from scratch.

So testing the set-up, I do one full backup (in this case /etc).
export the amanda database using amadmin, delete the following directories contents, as these would not be present in a brand new install:

/var/lib/amanda/amandadates (this I just remove the written dates).

I then recreate the relevant Daily directories, in
/var/lib/amanda and /var/log/amanda

I leave the contents of /etc/amanda/Daily, as I would have this already set-up on a new install from an archived tarball, that is independent of the amanda set-up..

I then import the backup amanda database, using:
su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amadmin Daily import < export.db"

This imports ok, as we now have the following directories and files:

This goes fine; so I then try to do a restore:
amrestore Daily
I get a 501 Index directory /var/lib/amanda/Daily/index does not exist

So I recreate this with the correct permissions.
and try again and get the following error:
Warning: no log files found for tape MediaSet14 written 2006-01-11

After googling, I cannot seem to find anyone else having this problem at all. It could be I'm doing this the completely wrong way or missing one or two options.

Any help or pushing me in the correct direction, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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