On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 10:33:10AM -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> My understanding, subject to correction, is that by default guntar
> restores by trying to match text names (user and group) between the
> archive and the recovery system.  If a match is found, then the
> restore is to the numeric uid/gid of the recovery system, thus
> matching the names, but not the necessarily the numeric ids in the
> archive.  If matching text names are not found, then the archive's
> numeric ids are used.
> So you could easily get a real hodge-podge of names and numeric ids
> by recovering to a different system.
>    Archived System       Recovery System        Result of Recovery
>      name   id #          name     id #            name    id #
>      AAA    111           AAA      111              AAA    111
>      BBB    222           BBB      234              BBB    234
>      CCC    333          (no CCC) (no 333)         (none)  333
>      DDD    444          (no DDD) (EEE is 444)      EEE    444

I set back the whole backup with the amrecover command of amanda.
This does not provide the facility of changing the parameters.
The solution was: under Knoppix I removed all the users and
groups (except the root) from files /etc/passwd, /etc/group and
/etc/shadow before starting the restoring process so the system
could not resolve names from uid/gid so it had to write out the
uids/gids to the file system.


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