On Friday 03 February 2006 09:14, Graeme Humphries wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>So is offloading the compression duties to the client, which has the
>>advantage of reducing the footprint on the networks bandwidth too.
>>You do this in the dumptype with "compress client best". It Just
>>Works(TM) :-)
>Well, like I said in my other e-mail, and I believe this is an issue
>that other people are running into as well, the client machines are so
>slow that even my current backup server is faster than them. Believe
> me, I benchmarked the backup times with server vs client side
> compression, and the server side is still faster even with it being a
> huge bottleneck. Client side compression only "Just Works" if your
> clients are reasonably powered, which isn't always the case with
> legacy servers to back up. ;) 

I'm not sure what you would classify as legacy stuff.  Here I'm doing 3 
machines including this as the server, and of course this is the 
fastest box, but the clients are a 500mhz K6-III box I use for 
firewall, and a 1400 mhz athlon box running my milling machine.  This 
one claims to be an XP2800, but actually runs at 2.1ghz.  So it pays me 
about an hour saved overall to let the other boxes do their own thing.  
Now if there was a dozen old 150 cyrix's out there, it still might pay 
because they'd all be running in parallel, but with only 2, yeah, I'd 
do it on the server.

Because the firewall box doesn't really get a lot of updates etc, its 
often done and in the holding disk in time to be a quite low number in 
the file count of the printout.  Its /lib dir was a level 0, compressed 
to about 35% last night and #6 in the order taped.  Out or 49 dle's.

But to say thats a clean install of RH7.3, no, it was my main box for 
several years. So its got a lot of trash on it that could go out with a 
fresh broom.  Probably 20GB of trash.  But I've miss-laid my round tuit 
in my dotage. :)

Cheers, Gene
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stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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