On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 03:02:11PM +0100, Omer wrote:
> Hi!
> Sorry if this has been discussed yet (I found some related topics on the 
> archive but no real answer) but I'm having problems with amadmin 
> reuse/no-reuse. 
> First I noticed that if a DLE is backed up on a tape and then fails for any 
> reason (like an offline host) for a whole dump cycle, this tape will be 
> overwritten without notification 

This sounds like you either are not receiving the reports or have
not examined them routinely.  It hasn't happend often here, but I
recall receiving such notices of "last backup of ... scheduled to
be overwritten next run".  Most often it happend when a system
was taken out of service and I did not bother to delete it from
the disklist.

> and, even worse, the database is not updated 
> correctly in this case (I did not check amrecover but the two backups appears 
> on the 'stats' line of amadmin export when only the latest is really 
> present). Is this a bug or something I misunderstood in Amanda? Or can it be 
> because of the daily timestamps problem ? (I ran all these dumps the same 
> day, for testing)

amanda has little (or no) code dealing with multiple backups on
the same date.

> As this can happen in my particular configuration, I wrote a script which 
> automatically marks the used tapes as 'no-reusable' with amadmin but Amanda 
> then fails to flush when a no-reusable tape comes up in the cycle. (message: 
> taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: r: unexpected EOF). So, did I do something wrong ? 
> What was originally the purpose of reuse/no-reuse ?

A guess here.  You had a number of tapes in labeled and in use,
say for this example 5, and set tapecycle to 5.  You then marked
some (say 2) of the tapes as no-reuse leaving 3 still usable in
the tapelist.  Amanda then told you, in that report you don't
get or examine, that it was expecting a "new" tape and thus
could not tape the dumps in the holding disk.

If my guess is correct, amanda is working fine.  You told it 5
tapes were in rotation but only 3 really are.  It will not use
the 3 again until it gets at least a total of 5 available and

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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