Jon LaBadie wrote:
> Did you give amtapetype a good estimate of your tape size?

I did it by 'su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amtapetype -c -e 20g -f /dev/nst0'

> Might you have somehow mucked with the tape's blocksize when
> you turned off compression?  Typically amanda uses 32KB blocks
> and the drive is set to that or to "variable".  Some see much
> better performance on newer drives with a larger blocksize.
> Recent amanda versions allow this to be specified in amanda.conf.

I tried 512 bytes (SLR7 default), 32768 (Amanda default), but I did not try
"0" yet. I will do it tomorrow.

> Not to start a 'holy war' about software or hardware compression,
> but there is nothing wrong with deciding to go with HW compression.
> Amanda can't do bookkeeping so well then and you have to guesstimate
> the expected compression when specifying tape length.

That exactly was my motivation. I am very happy with SW-Compr. with
different DAT/DLT drives, and the SLR7 was a horn in my side. I can't change
the drive, and if I can't change the compression in a working manner I will
have to go back to hw-comp (even if I do not like it).

Thanks for your advices!

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