On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 08:48:15AM -0800, Paddy Sreenivasan wrote:

> > But I am not sure whether I correctly understand the proposal.  Is the
> > following the proposed fix?
> Yes. Please add test results to the bug tracker.

I have arranged for the test tonight.  I'll report tomorrow.


BTW: Checkin 1.111->1.112 of server-src/taper.c looks a little bit strange
     to me.  Especially two hunks I've appended to the end of this mail.
     When ``str ? str : "(null)"ยดยด results in "(null)" the str was the NULL
     pointer.  Will the called function newvstralloc() be able to cope with
     the passed NULL?

@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@
                                      "[sec ", walltime_str(runtime),
                                      " kb ", kb_str,
                                      " kps ", kps_str,
-                                     " ", str ? str : "(null)",
+                                     " ", str,
@@ -1469,7 +1467,7 @@
                                              "[sec ", walltime_str(curdump_rt),
                                              " kb ", kb_str,
                                              " kps ", kps_str,
-                                             " ", str ? str : "(null)",
+                                             " ", str,
                        putresult(DONE, "%s %s %d %s\n", handle, label,

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