Title: Self check failing

I'm getting an amanda self-check failure from amcheck daily:
I suppose this was due to the mysterious disconnect of one server (m248)...
another one (nept) is running, but after removing a duplicate uid for
amanda in the NIS maps, it stopped working.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: nept.gc.cuny.edu: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
WARNING: m248.gc.cuny.edu: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
WARNING: rdhcp: selfcheck reply timed out.
WARNING: m254.gc.cuny.edu: selfcheck reply timed out.
WARNING: amanda: selfcheck reply timed out.
Client check: 8 hosts checked in 100.158 seconds, 5 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p3)

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