Hello All:

After a very long time, maybe after 2 years or so, I started seeing amflush
problems again. No configuration was changed and nothing was touched too.
Amflush refuses to backup stuff left in the holding space to the tape. My
tape drive blinks with activity as soon as I start amflush, but it soon
stops. I checked all the logs, but I do not see any errors. I also tried
changing the permissions of the files left in the hold.. even that didn't

Can anyone please let me what is going wrong? Here is my OS/Amanda info:

OS: Redhat 9.0
Kernel: 2.4.20-30.9
Amanda: amanda-client-2.4.3-4, amanda-server-2.4.3-4,amanda-2.4.3-4

Amanda outputs:


The dumps were flushed to tape TLS-Set-1-05.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: TLS-Set-1-06.

                         Total       Full      Daily
                       --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:00
Run Time (hrs:min)         0:00
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
Output Size (meg)           0.0        0.0        0.0
Original Size (meg)         0.0        0.0        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- -- Filesystems Dumped 0 0 0 Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --
Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
Tape Size (meg)             0.0        0.0        0.0
Tape Used (%)               0.0        0.0        0.0
Filesystems Taped             0          0          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

                                    DUMPER STATS            TAPER STATS
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------
Server1     /etc          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server1     /h            NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server1     /vl           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server1     /vm           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server1     /vw           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /etc          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /h2AM         NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /h2NZ         NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /h3NZ         NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /hAM          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /hNZ          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /vm           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server2     /vw           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /etc          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /hAM          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /hNZ          NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /rp           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /vm           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------
Server3     /vw           NO FILE TO FLUSH -----------------------------

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] DailySet1]# ls -lR
total 16
drwxrwxrwx    2 amanda   disk         4096 Feb 16 03:32 20060216
drwxrwxrwx    2 amanda   disk         4096 Feb 23 04:40 20060223
drwx------    2 amanda   disk         4096 Mar  2 05:24 20060302
drwx------    2 amanda   disk         4096 Mar  3 10:55 20060303

total 3466424
-rwxrwxrwx    1 amanda   disk     3546147489 Feb 16 02:27 Server3._hNZ.0

total 5354568
-rwxrwxrwx    1 amanda   disk     5477712861 Feb 23 04:40 Server2._h2AM.0

total 3577020
-rw-------    1 amanda   disk     3659285789 Mar  2 05:24 Server3._hAM.0

total 0

Amflush output:
-bash-2.05b$ /usr/sbin/amflush -f DailySet1
Scanning /backup/amanda_hold/DailySet1...
 20060216: found Amanda directory.
 20060223: found Amanda directory.
 20060302: found Amanda directory.

Multiple Amanda directories, please pick one by letter:
 A. 20060216
 B. 20060223
 C. 20060302
Select directories to flush [A..C]: [ALL] B C

Today is: 20060303
Flushing dumps in 20060223, 20060302 to tape drive "/dev/nst0".
Expecting tape TLS-Set-1-05 or a new tape.  (The last dumps were to tape
Are you sure you want to do this [yN]? y
amflush: datestamp 20060303
driver: pid 15642 executable driver version 2.4.3
driver: send-cmd time 0.005 to taper: START-TAPER 20060303
driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /backup/amanda_hold/DailySet1 size 2234040
reserving 2234040 out of 2234040 for degraded-mode dumps
taper: pid 15643 executable taper version 2.4.3
taper: page size is 4096
taper: buffer size is 32768
taper: buffer[00] at 0x400d5000
taper: buffer[01] at 0x400dd000
taper: buffer[02] at 0x400e5000
taper: buffer[03] at 0x400ed000
taper: buffer[04] at 0x400f5000
taper: buffer[05] at 0x400fd000
taper: buffer[06] at 0x40105000
taper: buffer[07] at 0x4010d000
taper: buffer[08] at 0x40115000
taper: buffer[09] at 0x4011d000
taper: buffer[10] at 0x40125000
taper: buffer[11] at 0x4012d000
taper: buffer[12] at 0x40135000
taper: buffer[13] at 0x4013d000
taper: buffer[14] at 0x40145000
taper: buffer[15] at 0x4014d000
taper: buffer[16] at 0x40155000
taper: buffer[17] at 0x4015d000
taper: buffer[18] at 0x40165000
taper: buffer[19] at 0x4016d000
taper: buffer structures at 0x40175000 for 240 bytes
taper: read label `TLS-Set-1-05' date `X'
taper: wrote label `TLS-Set-1-05' date `20060303'

Can anyone know where the problem is?

Rohit Peyyeti

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