On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 10:31:44AM -0500, Gene Heskett enlightened us:
> >I hope you build your own RPMs, since I know you use an RPM based
> > system ;-)
> Nope, I use checkinstall for some stuff, but this isn't being done for 
> these.  And they are pinned in yum.conf.  Yeah, my systems borked.  
> Funny thing is, it works fine for everything I want to do, which at 
> times can best be described as 'an eclectic bunch' of apps.

I know we're drifting a bit off-topic here, but usually what I do for
non-mission-critical machines (such as a home workstation) is grab stuff
from the latest fedora development repository and rebuild them on my system.
That's what I did for tar, and what I do for amanda (even on production
systems I do that). Just a suggestion :-)


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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