On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 01:44:50PM -0500, Vytas Janusauskas wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Listed below is what I get when I try to define a DLE with the 
> include statement.  However last night I ran it with the include line 
> commented out and it backed up the complete Deforest3 data set as 
> expected .  However as soon as I add  < 
> "include  "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool" > to the disklist I get amcheck 
> errors about Can't open disk and No include for ....
> My test disklist entry is:
> hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1 /mnt/data06/Deforest3 {
>     comp-user-tar
>     include "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool"
>     } 87
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> --------------------------------
> ERROR: hal: [Can't open disk '/mnt/data06/Deforest3']
> ERROR: hal: [No include for '/mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1']
> Client check: 5 hosts checked in 3.259 seconds, 2 problems found

I think two things are happening here.

IIRC amcheck does NOT run some of its checks as root.
Thus if the amanda user running amcheck can not visit
/mnt/data06/Deforest3 and needed directories below that,
it could cause errors like that above when amcheck looked
for files.

The second thing may be a red herring.  The include directive
needs a 'file' or a 'list' argument.  The former, 'file', if
the quoted string is a single item to include.  The latter,
'list', is used if the quoted string is the name of a file
containing a list of things to include.  You have given
neither argument, so the quoted string gets a default meaning
(file or list) and I'm not sure which it is.

In any case, amcheck looked for it and permission- or
existance-wise it was unable to confirm the presence
of "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool".

What to do?  Well reading the man page shows another argument
of 'optional'.  One of the side effects of this argument is
that amcheck does not complain if the item is not accessible.
Usually meant for a missing 'list' file but it might help here.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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