I have the same issue. I have a SDLT/320 tape drive, capable of 56 Gb/h. My 
holding disk is a two 73x10k Gb SCSI U320 Raid 0 array, and in my reports the 
total tape time is much smaller than the run time, since my tape writes at ~16 
MB/s and the dump speed to the holding disk performs only at (depending on the 
disk being dumped) 5-7 MB/s. I think the dumpers and the taper compete for 
I/Os, when they access the holding disk at the same time, the dumper for 
writing and the dumper for reading.


Iñaki Sánchez
Servicios Informáticos
Universidad de Navarra
Ed. de Derecho, Campus Universitario
31080 Pamplona (Navarra), España
tfno: +34 948 425600 Ext. 2106

Guy Dallaire wrote:
There was a recent discussion on the list regarding ultrium LTO3 tape

According to my vendor, the LTO2 drive I'm about to buy is capable of
80Gb/Hour, that is approx 50 Mb/Sec if I'm right.

I'm currently using an adaptec AHA2940U adapter with my DLT4000 drive.
I think it's only capable of 20 Mb / Sec...

I have a couple of question:

What adapter should I buy to feed the LTO2 drive ? It need to be
compatible with centos 4.2 (RHEL 4 clone)

Provided I buy the correct adapter along with the tape drive, and my
holding disk is dedicated to amanda (it's a single 200 Gb ATA drive)
how am I to know (measure) if my tape server is feeding the tape drive
appropriately ? Would I be better using an SATA drive instead of an
ATA drive ?

Wouldn't the dumpers compete for I/O's on the holding disk with the
taper process ? Or does the taper process begins writting to tape only
when all the dumpers have finished ?

Where sould I look to see if my tape drive is fed properly ?


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