On Thursday 16 March 2006 04:23, Peter Farrell wrote:
>Hi all:
>Env - Fedora Core 4
>Amanda Version: amanda-2.4.5p1
>I'm using a test platform that consist of an intranet server (VEGA)
>and my test pc (SSPC020) *both running FC4. The intranet server is the
>master host, using the vtapes configuration as set out in Chapt
>13:File-Driver. This went nicely. Everything is labeled and ready to
>roll. All files, dir's and permissions are solid.
>As a test I want to backup the /etc - /tmp - /home on each machine.
>Running amcheck:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbin]$ ./amcheck misc_backups
>Amanda Tape Server Host Check
>Holding disk /home/data/amanda/dumps: 214171628 KB disk space
>available, using 214069228 KB
>amcheck-server: slot 25: date X        label misc_backups25 (new tape)
>NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
>Tape misc_backups25 label ok
>NOTE: info dir /usr/local/amanda/var/logs/archive/curinfo: does not
> exist NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
>NOTE: index dir /usr/local/amanda/var/logs/archive/index: does not
> exist NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
>Server check took 0.177 seconds
>Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
>ERROR: sspc020.scarceskills.com: [Can't open exclude file
>'/home/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory]
>ERROR: sspc020.scarceskills.com: [can not read/write
>/usr/local/amanda/var/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
>WARNING: vega.scarceskills.com: selfcheck request timed out.  Host
> down? Client check: 2 hosts checked in 30.470 seconds, 3 problems
> found
> =================================================================
>The /home no exclude.gtar is on purpose - I'll set that up in a minute
>- which brings my to my first question:
>When using exclude lists - what does that format of that file look
>like? Is it the same as using the 'T' option w/ tar? Or does the list
>have to have regex expressions?

Since I'm not that fam with running tar by itself other than what I've 
carved into scripts around here, suffice to say that as amanda 
traverses a directory, the exclude files contents all need to have 
the ./ prepended to the subtree you want it to skip.  All such anchors 
are anchored to the current dir being processed.

One foible I ran into sometime back was in using several dumptype setups 
that were all identical except for the include ./filename in a dumptype 
that otherwise excluded it all.  If it had been a directory it would 
have worked as intended, but since it was a file, it got included at a 
full level 0 every night, rather wastefull of backup media space.

>Can one use an 'include' list rather than an 'exclude' list?

Yes, but see above, if the ./include is a file and not a subdir tree, it 
will get a full level 0 every run, because you told it to.

>I've tried just doing and 'ls > exclude.gtar' and then deleting the
>things I want backed up. Should they be space seperated values? Tabs?
>Comma seperated? A per-line listing? (Again - I'd prefer and whitelist
>rather than a blacklist)

Per line, in this format:

yadda yadda.

>What is the correct syntax to use when setting the exclude list in the
>I've seen folks using "$path/exclude.list" or "./exclude.list" etc.
>If you use it with no preceding 'dot' or 'slash' I assume it will look
>in the root directory of whatever is defined in the disklist?

The keywords 'exclude list' are expected to be an absolute path to a 
file containing the list formatted as above.

'exclude' alone expects to see a ./subdir or ./filename as an argument 
on that same line of the dumptype.

>In the .amandahosts file:
>I see in my 'amcheck' that it's connecting and communicating to get
>that first line of output back - but how is xinetd meant to see the
>You want a FQDN right?

Or its alias as listed in ALL /etc/hosts files.  Never use 'localhost', 
which wil work for backup, but not for recovery.

>Then the 'amanda' username? 
>So for the master host it should just be:
>localhost amanda      ## Will xinetd 'see' this and connect to the
>correct port with
>                                  ## this format?
>Then on each client, you'd only put in the master host name right?
>vega.ourdomain.com amanda
>When using 'client' compression - is this strictly done on the local
>machine? I'd read in the 'Unix Backup and Recovery' that this might be
>'spread over' all the clients?
>>From Amanda.conf:
>define dumptype global {
>    comment "Global definitions"
>    index yes
>    record no
># full backup (0) w/ tar every time
>define dumptype full_dump {
>    global
>    program "GNUTAR"
>    comment "full dump[0] with tar"
>    compress client best
>    exclude list "exclude.gtar"
>    priority low
>    dumpcycle 0
># incremental backup (1) w/ tar (Amanda will schedule the full dump
> day itself) define dumptype incr_dump {
>    global
>    program "GNUTAR"
>    comment "incremental dump[1]  with tar"
>    compress client best
>    exclude list "exclude.gtar"
>    priority low
>>From disklist:
># SSPC020
>sspc020.ourdomain.com        /etc    incr_dump
>sspc020.ourdomain.com        /tmp    incr_dump
>sspc020.ourdomain.com        /home   full_dump
>vega.ourdomain.com   /etc            incr_dump -1 local
>vega.ourdomain.com   /tmp            incr_dump -1 local
>vega.ourdomain.com   /home/peter     full_dump -1 local
>Thanks very much for any input.
>It's fun  - but the learning curve feels similar to Nagios at this
>point. (aka 'fiddly' :-)
>-Peter Farrell
>Cardiff, Wales - UK

Cheers, Gene
People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should add the word
'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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