On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 12:00:04PM -0500, Salada, Duncan S (Titan) @ TITAN 
enlightened us:
> I'm having trouble getting amtapetype to give me a 200gb tapetype for a HP 
> Ultrium LTO 1 drive.  It tells me that hardware compression is on, and I've 
> tried using "-e200g" with "-f/dev/rmt/0ubn" and "-f/dev/rmt/0cbn" in 
> desperation.  But it still will only give me the 100gb tapetype:
> define tapetype Ultrium_I-HP_C7145_233S {
>     comment "just produced by tapetype prog (hardware compression on)"
>     length 100864 mbytes
>     filemark 0 kbytes
>     speed 14228 kps
> }
> I'm using amanda-2.4.5p1 on Solaris 10.  I've searched around for a while but 
> I've found nothing.  Any hints/explanations would be greatly appreciated.

An LTO 1 tape will only hold 100GB of data, period. 200GB is marketing hype
for what they think you can get pre-compression. If you are going to use
hardware compression, you'll just have to guess how compressible your data
is and adjust the length accordingly. Might take some experimenting to find
the right amount.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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