Uhm...Yes it does...

Just after the STATISTICS section you should have (by default):

 Label        Time      Size      %    Nb
 CDO801       2:18 34005742k   99.4   546
 CDO798       1:33 27109731k   79.2    17

That'll list the total it got onto the tape.

--On March 24, 2006 10:03:45 AM +0700 Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is there a way to have the total tape usage in Amanda report?

It happens that sometime Amanda runs out of tape after 50 GB (which is
normal for a 50GB SLR100 tape) but sometime only after 8GB which
clearly means there is a problem. But Amanda reports do not show any
total and I have to compute it by hand to see when there is a problem
and when there is not.

Best regards,


"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors
into trouble of all kinds."
-- Samuel Butler

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