On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 03:44:32PM -0400, George wrote:
> I recently set up an amanda (2.4.3-4) server servicing two amanda clients,
> all running RHES 3.0 Linux. For both clients, I chose to use GNU Tar (
> 1.13.25) to backup partitions vice dump. Everything works quite well, but
> I'm used to seeing a dump summary in the emailed report from other amanda
> environments I've set up. The reports I'm getting from the amanda server
> lack the detailed dump summary showing all the hosts:partitions, compression
> stats, etc. Is this symptomatic of this particular build of amanda (I've
> been using 2.4.2 exclusively in the past). If not, is there a setting I've
> missed somewhere? Any and all help appreciated. Thanks.

Are you refering to the section of the report that starts with:


If so I've always gotten lines in that for clients backed up with Gnu tar.
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