David Leangen wrote:

Apparently, my backup is larger than my tape space. But, shouldn't it
span multiple tapes? If I'm not mistaken, this is what happened in
earlier versions.

It should be vice versa, actually. The possibility of single DLE to span multiple tapes is new in version 2.5, so this should not have happened in earlier versions - unless you were using the tape spanning patch which existed outside the "official" Amanda source tree with versions 2.4.

The entire backup could span multiple tapes even with version 2.4 if you were using a changer (as I see you were) and "runtapes" was set to more than 1 in your config file. But every single DLE had to fit on one tape.

Toomas Aas --------------------------------------------------------
|arvutivõrgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks|
|Tartu Linnakantselei       | Tartu City Office                   |
----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274

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