I'm a new user of Amanda. It's been running fine for some time since I got this job but I'm now getting a problem in the mail report of one of the backup servers, specifically in the Dump Summary : there are 2 result lines for each entrey in the disklist file, one says save was ok, the other just says MISSING. Here is an example (hostnames and directories generalized for security purposes) :
host1    /directory/saved     0     5820990    5821024     --     268:26     361.4    4:30    21583.3
host1    /directory/saved     MISSING
This happens for every host on that server, everyday since it started, whatever the dump level is and whether or not the dumps can fit in a single tape or need 2. This doesn't happen on the second backup server (cloned machine, except for the disklist).
Does anyone have an idea ?

Nicolas Maire

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