On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 03:37:48PM +0200, Iulian Topliceanu wrote:
> Hi,
> When I run amcheck, I get the following error:
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> --------------------------------
> ERROR: NAK bacchus: access as amanda not allowed from 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts: incorrect 
> permissions; file must be accessible only by its owner
Would you put your password in a file I can read?

> Client check: 16 hosts checked in 1.123 seconds, 1 problem found
> I'm running amanda 2.5.0 on the server and so on the client.
> My .amandahosts on the client looks like:
> -rw-r--r--    1 amanda   disk          398 Apr 11 14:56 .amandahosts

I can read this file that might contain passwords

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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