2006/4/23, stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
OK, this starting to get really strange. As I mentioned the machine I
normally use for building Solaris 8 (SPARC) binaries has been worked
on recently, and I had assumed that my problems were related to this.

Who "modified" this machine and what have they done exactly ? If it's an outsourcing job, consider flushing them...or talking to someone able to flush them, telling your boss that the job they done, rendered your server difficult if not impossible to recover

Any sugestions here? It apears to me that libtool is not doing it's job.

BTW, I'm considering building a Soalris boot cd with Amanda on it. Given that,
is it possible to build a static version (of the recover toolset)?

Hum... I don't think you have to do so, there is  something  wrong with this server  for sure, and you'll probably end up having problems with any other package you build from source on this machine. 

I've built amanda on solaris 2.6 and 9 without any problem whatsoever. Numerous people are probably running it and building it on solaris 7 and 9 as well.

Someone messed with this server, you got to find what happened and make sure it does not happen again.

I recall that the executable were fine after you set back the executable bit on lib_gcc, and later that night, it failed. You did not mention if the executable bit on libgcc.so was again unset later that night. If so, some process is messing with the system.

Could they by any chance have installed some security package ???? Could it be that the server has been compromised ? I'd look into that.

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