On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 04:28:33PM -0400, Carl Holzhauer wrote:
> I'm sure I just have something written incorrectly, but here's the error
> I'm getting
> -bash-3.00$ amlabel dailyset dailyset0 slot 0
> changer: got exit: 1 str: <error> could not read result from
> "/usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi-solaris.conf"
> amlabel: could not load slot "0": could not read result from
> "/usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi-solaris.conf"
> amlabel: could not load slot "0": could not read result from
> "/usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi-solaris.conf"
> amlabel: pid 1812 finish time Wed Apr 26 16:27:24 2006
> -bash-3.00$ 
> Output of that file:
> -bash-3.00$ cat "/usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi-solaris.conf"
> number_configs  1
> eject           0       # Tapedrives need an eject command
> sleep           15      # Seconds to wait until the tape gets ready
> cleanmax        10      # How many times could a cleaning tape get used
> changerdev      /dev/0bn

Haven't used chg-scsi.  But, I doubt the above device is correct.
First, it is not in rmt.
Second, is your changer device really the same as your drive device?
Often they are different lun's or scsi id's.  Either would result
in a different rmt device number.  However to see lun's > 0 you
probably will have to edit /kernel/drv/st.conf (scsi tape)then do a
reconfigure reboot.  Another possibility is to look at sgen.conf
(scsi generic?general?) in the same directory.  If it recognizes
your changer mechanism you may have have a device /dev/changer and/or

> #
> # Next comes the data for drive 0
> #
> config          0
> drivenum        0
> dev             /dev/rmt/0bn    # the device that is used for the
> tapedrive 0 (BSD type, no rewind, no compression)

Certain about that "no compression"?  The zero tape device (without
an added l,m,h,c,u) is the default of one of the others (l,m,...).
It could be any or them, compression or not.

> startuse        0       # The slots associated with the drive 0
> enduse          17      # 
> statfile        /usr/local/etc/amanda/dailyset/tape0-slot  # The file
> where the actual slot is stored
> cleancart       18      # the slot where the cleaningcartridge for drive
> 0 is located
> cleanfile       /usr/local/etc/amanda/dailyset/tape0-clean # The file
> where the cleanings are recorded
> usagecount      /usr/local/etc/amanda/dailyset/totaltime
> tapestatus      /usr/local/etc/amanda/dailyset/tape0-status
> #labelfile      /usr/local/etc/amanda/dailyset/labelfile # Use this if
> you have an barcode reader
> -bash-3.00$ 
> Amanada user has read/write access to /usr/local/libexec and to the
> chg-scsi-solaris.conf file.
> can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks
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Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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