On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 11:42:57PM +0200, Hans-Christian Armingeon wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you for your quick reply.
> Am Samstag, 6. Mai 2006 23:22 schrieb Jon LaBadie:
> > On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 10:53:03PM +0200, Hans-Christian Armingeon wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > how to tell amanda, that it can use as much bandwith as possible?
> > > 
> > > I have "netusage  125000" in my amanda.conf. This should saturate a 1GB 
> > > link, but amanda is still quite slow.
> > 
> > To my knowledge, there is no "throttle" in amanda.
> > The netusage parameter only affects whether or not to
> > start a client dump.  Once started, the dump uses all
> > the bandwidth it can, no restraints in the amanda code.
> > 
> > Look into aspects other than netusage for performance problems.
> What could be a good place to look at? I have no link problems.

There are logfiles on the server and debug files on both client and
server.  Check start and end times of various programs to see what
is slow, what is running concurrently.  Try to pinpoint what part
is taking so long.  Only one or a few clients or all?  Client over-
loaded by a single dump or are multiple dle's running at same time?
If multiple, are they on same or different hard disks (spindles).
Are they being compressed, fast or best, client or server?  Is it
100000 small files (tar has performance problems here).  Is it slow
during estimate, can you use alternative size techniques?  Are you
going to a holding disk or straight to tape?

> > [...]
> > > retriving a one year old file? I know, there was a theead some time ago, 
> > > but I can't find it anymore.
> > 
> > How does that differ from a one day, week, or month old file?
> Well, with our old backup solution, we had a a full backup job, that ran once 
> a month, and another job, that made the incremental backups.
> We kept the tapes from the full backup job, and the incremental tapes were 
> overwritten after a while.
> The question is, how to set runspercycle, dumpcycle and tapecycle, that I can 
> easily restore a two year old file with amanda.

Sounds like two configs.  Set up one to mimic your current monthly archives,
doing only full, level 0, dumps and use that for restoring old files.
Use a second configuration for more recent recovery.  It will have level 0
and incrementals.  If you can supply enough disk, many people now like
virtual tapes for the current configuration.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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