Paul Bijnens wrote:

These events can go unnoticed too easily when glancing at the daily mail from amreport, so I would like to somehow setup for getting another mail besides the report, to different addresses, in such cases.

In my reports those errors spring into sight very easily:
the first few lines are completely different layout / stars /
uppercase letters.  Quite a good imitation of Amanda screaming for

Hm, how much they stick out probably very much depends on the MUA, screen resolution etc. you are using. I can provide a screenshot to show, if you wanna look.

The warning in amreport is at a place I pay usually no attention to because I don't care which tape will be used next. That's what an automatic tape changer and amanda are for ;)

Instead, I'm looking at the statistics immediately and then scroll down. Moreover, there are days when I don't get to look at the amreport mail at all because I'm too busy. Another thing is that I may be on vacation and my work mate who takes over during that time might not see it in time or not at all.

I'm using a seperate mail account for system reports and filter them by machine, he uses filtering to put system messages aside within his account. The extra warning I would like to set up would go into my main account and also into his, so that it _will_ be noticed.

Both times the changer failed, I only noticed by chance because I happened to look at the small display that is on the changer. My workmate won't happen to look there by chance because his office is not at the server room like mine is. Obviously, that's not the way it should be, and something more reliable is needed.

But if it isn't loud enough, then maybe just a script that checks
for files in the holdingdisk after the run, and warn you of the
needed flush?

Good idea, that would be something to start with :) If the changer or tape device fails, there will be files left there.

But this will not catch when Amanda fails to do
anything at all...


Keeping the "FAILURE AND STRANGE..." section small, i.e. handling
those errors, instead of allowing minor errors in there, helps to
spot real errors too.
I changed my patterns to categorize as normal, that certain files are
"changed are we read it" etc.   It would help if I didn't need to
recompile the Amanda binaries for this.

The 'Failure and Strange' section is something different. MOTT, I notice it when scrolling through the report.

What if error messages would generally be seperated from the report? Amanda could send several (or two) mails, to different addresses if set up to that, or with subjects that allow filtering/redirecting.

Maybe that would even make more sense than to put errors into the report. The report is a report in the first place, error messages are error messages in the first place. Abusing a report to send error messages is worse than abusing error messages to send reports because error messages in a report are much more likely to go unnoticed than a report in an error message --- you get the idea :)

The report is mostly irrelevant for daily usage, when everything works as it should. It's only the errors I'm interested in and that require attention. Amanda is about the automation of backups ... That genuinely involves not having to pay attention to them.


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